Treatment lasts at least one menstrual cycle. As none of the treatments are 100% likely to succeed, it is often necessary to go through several cycles before a successful pregnancy is achieved.
The unfulfilled desire to have children is an emotional and exhausting topic for any relationship. It is important to support each other during this time and not to blame your partner for the problem. Proactively approaching treatment together, sharing worries and fears with each other and planning visits to the fertility clinic as a couple helps you overcome the stress and uncomfortable situation.
In Switzerland, treatment is only partially covered by the health insurer. Details can be found in our cost calculator.
Fertility treatment can be particularly psychologically demanding. Getting enough sleep, a balanced diet and exercise in your day-to-day life will help you reduce and overcome stress. Ask a specialist for further details.
Fertility treatments are generally well-tolerated by patients. Frequent visits to the clinic during monitoring also allow you to address any concerns directly with the specialists. A feeling of tiredness and exhaustion as well as slight redness at the injection sites are commonly reported complaints. These subside quickly after treatment. If you have concerns about allergic reactions, a swollen stomach, severe headaches or nausea, please contact your doctor immediately.
Patience is required here! Have you administered all of the injections according to plan and followed the advice of your doctors? If so, you’ve done everything right and all you need to do now is wait. This time is very nerve-racking and stressful for many couples. Try to occupy yourself with activities and people that make you happy and bridge the waiting time with positive moments. During this time, you cannot influence the outcome of the pregnancy test, and there is no point in putting yourself under unnecessary stress.
Take a look at the stimulation protocols in our download area. This should give you a good overview of how often and when you need to plan hospital visits. Basically, it helps to be prepared for the first meeting and proactively plan treatment around business appointments that cannot be rescheduled. Your specialist will be happy to help you find the optimal solution and simplify planning. Fortunately, however, this is not a lengthy treatment, so you may be able deprioritise certain business commitments during the month of treatment.