Fertility assessment

A successful pregnancy – what does it take?
Many steps are needed … The probability of becoming pregnant naturally is no more than 20% per cycle for any couple.
Determining the cause
There are many reasons for infertility. Gaining a detailed understanding of both partners' circumstances makes it easier to choose the best course of treatment.
MoreFertility treatment

Choice of treatment
Your doctor will recommend one of the possible options based on the identified cause and your medical and treatment history.
What are the risks of this type of treatment?

Hormonal stimulation
The aim of this type of treatment is to imitate the natural cycle as precisely as possible while supporting follicle development. Depending on the cause of infertility and the type of treatment chosen, different medications are recommended as part of the stimulation protocol.
The effectiveness of the treatment is determined by means of blood tests and ultrasound scans.
Induction of ovulation
When the time is right, the body is prepared for ovulation. An hCG injection completes the process of follicle maturation.
What type of therapy are you currently doing?
Depending on the selected therapy, the following steps differ.
Ovulation induction (OI) or intrauterine insemination (IUI)

Planned sexual intercourse/intrauterine insemination
For many couples, hormonal stimulation offers sufficient support, and fertilisation can take place in the womb following optimised follicular maturation.
VideoPregnancy test
After approximately two weeks, the success of the treatment is determined by means of a pregnancy test (blood, urine).
Assisted reproductive technology

Egg retrieval (puncture)
After 1-2 days (36 hours), shortly before ovulation, egg cells are retrieved as an outpatient procedure under mild sedation. Sperm cells are collected from the partner at the same time.
Artificial insemination
Depending on the insemination methods chosen, fertilisation is carried out in a Petri dish (IVF) by mixing the two samples, or under a microscope (ICSI) by injecting a sperm cell directly into the egg cell.
Maturation of the egg cells
The retrieved egg cells are stored in an incubator for up to five days (cultivation). At precisely defined intervals, fertilisation is checked under a microscope and, if successful, the stage of development is examined.
Embryo transfer
Provided they have developed well, the embryos are transferred into the uterus using a catheter.
Pregnancy test
After approximately two weeks, the success of the treatment is determined by means of a pregnancy test (blood, urine).